Monday, October 11, 2010

Locked intellect: Exlusive Note

Locked intellect: Exlusive Note: "Am not used to write very personal notes,but am rather used to write motivatioanl inspiring notes...but today i think to give  hope by writt..."

Exlusive Note

Am not used to write very personal notes,but am rather used to write motivatioanl inspiring notes...but today i think to give  hope by writting something atleast personal. I remember very well it was month of March year 2010, i sat down in my room,and i checked my bank statement which i received by mail box previous day,and the statement indicated that i was only having 25,000kshs [ 250euros] in my account,and still the same day a place where i was a correspondent freelancer writter. Editor happened to called me and informed  me that the magazine will no longer be there anymore and coming aprial's 2010,was their last issue to produce.So the call lingered to me thats the end of a place i was relying to get something to boost my life despite other hustlings of life.

So i thought on myself,what can i do or start to boost my life with 25,000kshs[ 250euros]? But,the idea of starting a small business germinated and i thought of several ones...and atlast i settled with one small business that i felt i can do,but the capital and facilities to make it kick after doing little window shopping thereafter,i realized it could cost me 40,000kshs [400euros]to make it flow.

So i was almost to give up becouse i wasnt having the more needed 15,000kshs [150euros],but no sooner i gave up,i called some of my middle class aunties and uncles who are not hustlers like me  to seek a soft loan...but they gave me many reasons and excuses  that couldnt make any help to me. So i thought to myself can i disturb a friend of mine from Holland who was due to visit me in aprial and seek a soft loan from him? Then my brains told me,BIG NO!,and as usual i dont like to ignore my conscience,so i didnt tell him anything....then i thought i can try to find a soft loan that i can refund later to some of my facebook friends,those at that time i felt they were close to me,but i made similar request to atleast to 7 friends,some were not in a positions and they gave me moral support,others said sorry Patrick,and one of them deleted me and blocked me and b4 he deleted me he told me,am tired of africans borrowing me money now and then.So i felt pity.....and like a discriminated fellow,as somebody wasnt suppose to judge a book by its cover...but anyway it takes all sorts of people to make a world,so i didnt blame that person.

But let me tell you God help came at our needs at the eleventh hour,the 8th friend i wrote request and told my heart this is last person to write to regarding that request was the one who responded positively and he asked me the proposal and prospects of business and after doing that He sent me 15,000kshs [150euros],it was unbeliveable...becouse first i ignored that 8th friend despite we were close and i was merciful to him,thinking he cant help. And now the business i restarted with that money its picking and God keep on blessing it wonderfully.

So whats the moral theme of writting this note? one i want to encourage everyone who have a dream that you passionately pursue? dont give up neither let it go off,but trail on it untill you are ready to wake-up and make it happen.Always  Remember life is a jouney and your destination is success. Everyday we have to travel within and without,we have to struggle,sacrifice and fight very hard to get there. Our complaing spirits,fear and negative attitudes,will never achieve this destiny of success,but focused mind,determined and hardworking personality.ARE WE TOGETHER?

So tell yourself,my journey must begin within you,otherwise you can not travel without before you travel within.....however there must be few things you must appreciate in this journey,everytime you think of undertaking a certain project however humble or gigantic it maybe and one that you may believe in so much,think about this, [as thats one of the handles i have too encountered so far and more will that you will meet some landmarkes and allow me to call them [4 groups of people or landmarks]

1.The first group of people will brighten up and embrace you for the great idea. This group is kind,warm hearted and very encouraging,and some of the 8 friends i made request to them they fall in this group eventhough despite some  of them their lack of help,at that moment. So in this group you maybe able to realize some are very sincere and ready to help you wade  through the currents of discouragements to the other side of the lake. They will commit their energy,money,and time to help you sail through.They will not go telling everyone how much you needed them to succeed,but they will do it in a pure heart of love and compasion.

2, The second group consists of people who walk kindly and very positively about your idea or project,mostly when many people are there.They will offer you a good alternative ideas or suggestions. They will give very lofty promises to support your projects.However,behind your back they take a vantage point and throw tankard of cold water at the very small fire you are struggling to light. They will discredit every effort and rubbish every achievement in your happened to me at the begging of my humble small project.

3. The third group that will out-rightly and most sincrely dismiss your efforts as lacking in any credible way. They will not fear you. They will see nothing positive and they wonder why you make a big deal of such un inteligent idea. They will predict a natural death or calamities for your projects. Most of times,they will leave you chocking with a big lump on your throat.They would love to see you slump into yourself as a big failure.....and i feel some of my aunties and uncles this group fits some of them,but may God keep on bleesings them. And making a stump keep on growing despite doubting.

4.The last group is always the most difficult to understand.They will not directly support you or oppose you.They will not criticize your ideas or your project directly or indirectly.They will remain quiet.They will stand aside with you and watch you struggle for the best,and to me this are the customers i do encounter in a daily basis of my project,they came to me becouse i have something to offer them and them too they have something to offer to me,their money and so we doexchange which i can call the trade of give and take.

So my reader i want to tell you as you trudge on,one thing should always remain clear in your mind....before you start this journey of life experieces and trials of making it,there are no trees on the the way,no mountains,no rivers or buildings.

But those 4 groups i highlighted above are the people which will be like landmarks to your project,and that should remind you,your project idea is worthwhile. They also should confirm to you that you that you are on the right track. And maybe one day they will come together and acknoledge that you are a winner. So take courage in whatever you do and may the words of the bible too encourage you ,
''THOSE WHO ARE WITH US ARE MORE THAN THOSE AGAINST US''. So this is one of my ever strongest personal note i have ever wrote and so may God bless all your endeavours my friend,thats my prayer. And may you let the note open a new rays of hope and refreshment with rejuvenation too.

Thanks in advance,i remain to hear your comments.
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